2006 Recognition Ceremony Information
Dear Religious Emblems Counselor,

Congratulations to all of you who have completed  or are nearing completion of  the religious emblems programs for Catholic Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers!  Hopefully you have found the programs to be a positive experience for not only the scouts, but also for yourself. 

So ... now we turn to the logistics of recognizing these very deserving youth!

Final date for submitting applications and payment is February 15!

Please submit one check payable to Diocese of San Jose to cover the cost of medals and recognition ceremony for all scouts completing programs.  The cost for each scout is:

                    Light of Christ             $15.50
                    Parvuli Dei                    $15.50
                    Ad Altare Dei              $17.00
                    Pope Pius XII              $17.50

For scouts completing Light of Christ or Parvuli Dei:
1.  Complete the application at the back of the program book.
          *  Is all information clearly printed? 
          *  The scout's name should be printed as it will appear in the recognition ceremony program
             booklet and on the certificate.
          *  Have all required signatures been obtained?
2.  Applications will not be returned.  You may want to make copies.
3.  Mail or deliver applications and payment together to:
          Ann Resch
          1276 Cotterell Dr.
          San Jose, CA  95121
4.  I will be at Santa Clara County Council POW WOW on January 21 and will be able to accept apps and
    payment at that time.
5.  If for any reason you cannot get apps and/or payment to me by February 15, PLEASE contact me!

For scouts completing Ad Altare Dei or Pope Pius XII, applications and payment will be collected at the Board of Review. 
          *  The date of the Board of Review has not yet been determined. 
          *  Please contact Patricia Cuadros at (408) 674-7823; patricia-c@usa.net if you are completing one of these
             programs and need to be informed of the board of review date.

All Catholic Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire youth who have completed a religious program will be recognized and receive their medals at the annual prayer service and recognition ceremony.

          * Sunday, April 2, 2006 at 3:00 p.m.
          *  Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph
          *  Monsignor Francis Cilia, Vicar General, will be presiding.

Please inform the families of your scouts now of this important date! Counselors will receive more details closer to the ceremony date.


1.  Girl Scouts and Camp Fire youth completing any of the Catholic religious programs should be in contact
    with Susie Henderson, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Awards Chairwoman at (408) 287-4170, ext. 246;

2.  Catholic youth achieving the highest award for their organization in 2005 are also recognized at the
    recognition ceremony:
          *  Boy Scout -- Eagle Scout
          *  Girl Scout -- Gold Award
          *  Camp Fire -- Wohelo Medallion
    If you know youth who should be recognized, please send me their information by February 15: 
    name, address, phone #, scout unit, and parish.

3.  Is your Pack, Troop or Crew Catholic-chartered?  You may qualify for the Pope Paul VI National Unit Award!
    Check the requirements at www.nccs-bsa.org.  If you qualify, please send me the completed application and
    payment (payable to NCCS) for patches by February 15.
4.  Do you know adults who deserve recognition for outstanding service to the development of spiritual growth in
    youth?  You may wish to nominate that person for an adult award.  Nominations are due by February 15. 
          Bronze Pelican -- a local recognition for Scouters giving outstanding service to Catholic youth in
             scouting. (www.ccscf.homestead.com; please send me the application)
          St. George -- a national recognition for Scouters and non-Scouters making significant and outstanding
             contributions to spiritual development of Catholic youth through scouting.  (www.ccscf.homestead.com;
             please send me the application)
          St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Anne awards -- recognize outstanding adults for their work toward
             spiritual development of Catholic youth in girls organizations.  (Contact Susie Henderson; (408) 287-4170,
             ext. 246) 

Hopefully this answers most of your questions about the 2006 Catholic Scouting Religious Recognition Ceremony.  Please let me know if clarification is needed or if you have any other concerns.

Yours in Christ,
Yours in Scouting,
Ann Resch, Chairman
Catholic Committee on Scouting/Camp Fire, Diocese of San Jose
(408) 227-8587; a.resch@att.net